The comparison is disgusting and misleading with glaring omissions in history and facts and stunning in it’s ignorance or bigotry and one sided. To blame everything on the Jewish state as if they are behaving like Nazis is grotesque comparison and really a blood libel but stated in a way that again excites prejudice of evil Jewish Zionists —- including what is apparent israel actual existence ( shouldn’t be ) itself as the replies in suport also suggest
This is absolute ahistorical lies and garbage with so much stunning ignorance and omissions I suggest you read Gad Saad and what he says about factually about Jews under Islamic rule and how they were treated as dhimmis which is fact. As the well the pogroms that existed for indigenous Jews and Jews living in British mandate and prior before any founding declaration of the modern Jewish state of Israel in 1948.
Van D Philips article on suggesting explicitly that the Jewish state ( is behaving like Hitler did to Jews ) is treating the Palestinians the way Hitler due to the Jews is utterly stunning deceptive and deplorable again with stunning ignorance and demonstrable omissions - I suggest this again this is all part of anti Zionist narrative to de legitimise the existence Israel as a Jewish state - that shouldn’t even exist at all - which again would say it all
In respect to Oct 7 heinous attacks by Hamas where they stole raped and murdered whole families against a sovereign state - in what world should Israel just lie down and die and do nothing
This is absolute ahistorical lies and garbage with so much stunning ignorance and omissions I suggest you read Gad Saad and what he says about factually about Jews under Islamic rule and how they were treated as dhimmis which is fact. As the well the pogroms that existed for indigenous Jews and Jews living in British mandate and prior before any founding declaration of the modern Jewish state of Israel in 1948.
Van D Philips article on suggesting explicitly that the Jewish state ( is behaving like Hitler did to Jews ) is treating the Palestinians the way Hitler due to the Jews is utterly stunning deceptive and deplorable again with stunning ignorance and demonstrable omissions - I suggest this again this is all part of anti Zionist narrative to de legitimise the existence Israel as a Jewish state - that shouldn’t even exist at all - which again would say it all
In respect to Oct 7 heinous attacks by Hamas where they stole raped and murdered whole families against a sovereign state - in what world should Israel just lie down and die and do nothing
Consistent with right to reply and free speech This is such an inversion of the truth and is ahistorical as it lacks proper full context and the facts and complete nuance. It is demonstrably ia one sided narrative on the situation and history in context…. I’m appalled at the barbarity of Islamic terrorism and how some people on the radical left also try and label it fraudulently ‘ resistance ‘ too like some of the readers here including when they are challenged shut down discussion. They are hypocrites and coward and misleading…
No, you’re just brainwashed. Every religion has its crazies that try to take over everything; see American Christians and project 2025. The Quran literally tells Muslims to be good to other “people of the Book” which means Christians and Jews. Israel is “our only friend” in the area sure, but before Israel we had no enemies in the area. We treated the native Palestinians like they meant less than nothing and violently cleared them off land they’ve inhabited for thousands of years - exactly like the native Americans. It’s funny to me how your ilk always squawks about “the proper context and facts and nuance” while not actually mentioning any in your argument, then accuse others of “shutting down discussion” when you can’t find a retort about the context or facts or nuance. Ad hominem is always handy, huh?
This is absolute ahistorical lies and garbage with so much stunning ignorance and omissions I suggest you read Gad Saad and what he says about factually about Jews under Islamic rule and how they were treated as dhimmis which is fact. As the well the pogroms that existed for indigenous Jews and Jews living in British mandate and prior before any founding declaration of the modern Jewish state of Israel in 1948.
Van D Philips article on suggesting explicitly that the Jewish state ( is behaving like Hitler did to Jews ) is treating the Palestinians the way Hitler due to the Jews is utterly stunning deceptive and deplorable again with stunning ignorance and demonstrable omissions - I suggest this again this is all part of anti Zionist narrative to de legitimise the existence Israel as a Jewish state - that shouldn’t even exist at all - which again would say it all
In respect to Oct 7 heinous attacks by Hamas where they stole raped and murdered whole families against a sovereign state - in what world should Israel just lie down and die and do nothing
So the Middle East was all peaceful and rosy before Israel was restored as a nation again or when Israel become modern Israel the Jewish nation state ?
I’m referring to the other radical left ideology posts that actually shut down discussion overall when facts are presented to them and they peddle anti Zionist falsehoods…. I never claimed nor i have provided or attempted to dissect and provide facts and context or full picture here ti anything or everything fully ( yet )
I may choose to when I have the time that is my choice..
saying I’m brainwashed is another problematic indicator I must say. How ??
Hi All. Thanks so much for all your thoughtful feedback and restacks. My computer is down and my phone is too old to manage the Substack app but I’ll be back in touch (and will implement the rest of your edits, Mike) as soon as I can.
I think it can, but the problem, as I'll discuss in a later post, is that the healee has to want to be healed and has to be willing to do the work. Others can support them, but we can't make them do it. And, in additional to historical trauma, there's a host of other co-occurring issues--psychological, social, and political--intersecting here which also have to be addressed.
it never ceases to amaze the barbarity of what Israel has enacted. Val’s piece is outstanding. It articulates the insanity and inhumanity of a dick society. The world needs to do more and Val’s voice is a brilliantly loud voice doing her part.
<< They [i.e., the German Nazis and the Palestinians] couldn’t be more different. >>
This is absolutely correct and segues perfectly to the corollary: << Zionism cannot be explained away or justified by the Holocaust or any of European anti-Semitism’s murderous rampages against Jews, because...“the settler colonial system here was created before the Holocaust.” >>
I think the author is also quite correct in use of "psychopathology." I shall leave it to better qualified individuals to articulate the precise nature of the (collective) disease.
The horrors of World War Two cannot justify the actions of Netanyahu's government. Indeed, nothing -- not even 7 October -- can.
Think two thousand years of Jewish hatred on the part of Christianity for”Christ killing” ! Think of the pograms,ghettos, exclusions from “social society “ no country, no place, no rights, no protection! And the last major genecide of Jews in the thirties and forties-the Americans stood by and did nothing! Kennen knew what was going on as ambassador to Germany and said nothing and did nothing, allowing the US to turn away a ship load of Jewish children saved from the gas chambers to sail the world looking for a safe harbor! As recently as the 60’s & 70’s Jews were barred from rich country clubs and similar elite watering holes - two millennia can have a huge impact, not
only on the psyche but the entire human organism. The same goes for the haters - they lose access to their natural capacity towards wisdom and compassion. We are all one and the same to blame. No scapegoating!
Thank you George for sharing, and Val for the original post. Such an excellent thorough analysis. Sadly, if victims don't reflect and process trauma they can project and perpetrate harm against scapegoats. And of course as Val shows it existed before the holocaust. There are Christian settler zionists and others who have the privilege of homes in the US and/or Europe, and who dehumanise Palestinians to justify land theft and other violence.
I have long thought that the psychological studies which must be done about Zionist Israel offer opportunities for great insight into the human mind and condition.
You make some excellent points. I would just add that when stories of trauma, real and imagined, are cooked for centuries in a pot of religion, they gain greater power and there is no doubt the Zionists milked that paranoid fear cow to fund and promote the colonisation of Palestine.
The problem with Israel is that it was founded in paranoia, fear, rage (often unexpressed), hatred (of non-Jews in general and Palestinians in particular) and ego. Behind fear there is always rage. Judaism like many religions is founded in ego-driven delusions and often, paranoid persecution phobias.
Some ingredients in the Zionist Israeli pot were a belief that Jews will always be persecuted; that Jews can never be safe unless they have total control over their own State; that non-Jews will always hate them and want to kill them; that non-Jews must live in such terror of Jews that they will never challenge them and that violence and dominance are the only solutions to any fear, challenge or issue. Patently none of that is true and the most dangerous place a Jew can live is in Israel.
In such a stewpot there can be no healthy processing of trauma and no stable psychological ground. It would be no different if we put a heap of soldiers suffering PTSD in the same place, gave them a state and allowed them to lock themselves into their own mindset. That was and is the tragedy of Israel and why the State was always going to become increasingly mentally ill to the point of being psychotic.
When I was teaching Palestinian history in Palestine (in English, to children of refugees who hadn't grown up reading and writing in Arabic), I learned during my research that since at least the 40s, it was the stated intention of the Israeli government to keep the people vigilant/paranoid out of a belief that if they were, something like the Holocaust could never happen again. If I can find the link I'll post it.
Yes, I have read along those lines in Zionist history. The Zionists, mostly atheists, despised European Jews for allowing themselves to be caught up in the Nazi campaign to get rid of them along with Slavs, Gypsies and others. One gets a sense the Zionist founders had huge egos. And in the times no doubt, as Europeans most of them also despised Slavs and Gypsies and were enraged that Jews should be in the same category.
There is also information that the Zionists worked with the Nazis to get Jews out of Germany and into Palestine as colonists. That is until they realised Jews were dying. There are statements to the effect that there was more value in them dead, than alive because of the promotional value of dead Jews for the Palestine colonial project.
The Zionists however needed Jewish money and support for their plans and that is why it had to be Palestine and it had to be a State called Israel. During WWII they also realised that keeping Jews/Israelis terrified of another holocaust experience, would boost their numbers. That policy has been in place ever since and underpins their military strategies. They must keep Israelis terrified that others want to kill them all, and they must encourage anti-semitism if not create it to terrify Jews into moving to Israel, and they must teach the Palestinians and anyone who might support them that they will bring annihilation down upon themselves if they dare to challenge Israel. This is Dayan's Doctrine.
No response to any challenge can be too much under this Doctrine. Respond with such savagery that those challenging you will comply. And never dare to challenge you again.
This included Jews who opposed Zionism. And there were many.
Such a doctrine completely ignores human nature, but, the Achilles Heel for the Zionist Israelis is that they do not consider others, non-Jews, to be human. They believe they are superior humans, never wrong, smarter than everyone else, and stronger than anyone else. It is indeed the Grand Delusion of Zionist Israel.
Interestingly, the Zionists had no problem talking about Palestine, nor referring to themselves as colonists even though today, many Israelis and supporters deny Palestine ever existed or that they were and are colonists.
This statement reflects the thinking:
At a Zionist Labor Party conference in 1938, Ben Gurion laid out his formula for who should be saved after Britain’s offer to rescue thousands of Jewish children from Europe:
“If I knew it was possible to save all the children in Germany by taking them to England, and only half of the children by taking them to Eretz Israel, I would choose the second solution. For we must take into account not only the lives of these children but the historic interest of the people of Israel.”
One of the key Zionists, Theador Herzl, had serious mental health conditions, plus delusions of grandour and supremacy. Then , later, there was the genocidal Stern and his brutal terroridt gsng
What is also overlooked is that Israel is a military state where most adult citizens serve in the military or remain reservists.
It does not have a real standing army which only fights. People can either work and keep the economy afloat or fight and keep the occupation in place. They cannot do both.
I also suspect 5000 have been killed and the official figure of around 10,000 injured/permanently maimed many of them, is closer to 15-20,000. Such figures are always lied about.
So, not only are soldiers not working, neither are wounded soldiers working and the State must carry the cost of hospital, rehabilitation and support.
I suspect this latest phase of the ongoing colonial war has really hit Israel hard and yet all they can do is lie about it to themselves and others.
As Retired Israeli Major-General, Yitzhak Brik said recently, if the war does not end Israel is likely to collapse in a year.
Put a heap of soldiers suffering from PTSD in the same place and give them a state and more weaponry than any country on earth but one. The US is the enabler of this psychosis.
And it gets worse. The latest on the exploding pagers.
Israel carried out its pager and radio attacks. Many initially thought the pagers’ batteries exploded, but this is nonsense. They planted explosives inside and activated them likely with a phone call. The reason we know this is one of the videos of them exploding, one can hear various beeping sounds or ringing mere seconds before the explosion.
Secondly, there was a preponderance of eye injuries, which appears to imply the pagers rang or beeped, causing the victims to bring them up toward their face to inspect the number or message, after which the explosion hit them directly in the eyes:
As such, it seems the classic phone activation you see so often in movies.
By the way, listen to China’s UN rep Fu Cong’s blistering condemnation of Israel, which uses very uncharacteristically strong language:
Now it’s clear that Israel is desperate to provoke Hezbollah in attacking it first, so that it can have the casus belli and global consensus in waging another genocide to cover for the first one in a sort of genocide-Ponzi scheme.
Precisely. And brainwash them from birth that everyone wants to kill them and they have to be more savage than anyone else to dominate and control their world and you get Zionist Israel and psychotic revenge-driven rage.
To be fair, it is not just the US which is the enabler although the US is the only one with the power to stop it in an instant - no weapons and no money - but everyone who has supported the neurotic Israeli state, whether individuals or States. Jews must also take a lot of responsibility because they have allowed the atrocities to be committed in the name of their religion.
You know: the Jews will never be safe till they have their own country canard is the same logic that allowed the Pope to control a vast swathe of Italy and retard unification for a century or two. The thought back then was: the Pope is a monarch just like the rest of the heads of state, he must have his own chunk of territory to rule. And that was a brilliant success, wasn’t it?
My State is being geopolitical rather than moral. My State is extremely corrupt, and I fear it. But I can be practical and praise the ICJ case which has caring and passionate people on its team.
Ha. I get that. Apologies for confusion. One of the worst things about this, for those of witnessing and not in the line of fire, is how it challenges us to remain compassionate and treat all as human even our brothers acting like monsters. I am trying not to become what I despise. It's hard sometimes.
Well, I'm a Quaker. We try to see that of God or Light or Gaia or Allah, etc. in everyone, recognizing that if there is that "of God" there is also that "not of God." For me it's important to keep reminding myself that these are human beings committing these crimes. They must be stopped from committing genocide and held accountable for their monstrous behavior. But at the end of the day, whatever their psychopathology, they're still human beings who came into this world as innocent infants.
So much respect for this, Val! I’m Catholic, and my faith teaches me that we are all brothers and sisters; all equally beloved children of God. But, faced with the utter evil of this genocide, I’ve struggled to remember this. I have wished harm on Israel, which is a sin—we should wish harm on no one. But I do think we have every right to be angry. What do we do with the anger, though? How do we use it constructively? That’s a real challenge for me.
I meant: I’ve wished harm on Israelis. There is no sin in wishing harm on Israel! It’s my hope and prayer that the supremacist, expansionist, relentlessly violent state will cease to exist.
Israel -- and US support for the genocide -- is an ongoing trauma for the globe. The silence among Americans is a crime. We have only begun to deal with the consequences.
While I appreciate your insight I have to respectfully disagree with the notion that Zionists’ actions towards & description of Palestinians such as their repeated insistence to refer to them as Nazis is the result of historical trauma. This is simply a direct result of constant indoctrination from childhood onward using the Holocaust as the point of reference, ultimately it’s the pinnacle of their victimhood.
sure but my point was that their abuse & mistreatment of Palestinians has nothing to do with any supposed historical trauma. Zionists have simply exploited well used the holocaust as collateral to protect themselves from any attempt to account for their own crimes and atrocities against their Arab neighbors-humanity by extension. To claim that it’s their historical trauma is as absurd as insisting that American descents of slavery or ADOS have every right to kill & “take back” from so called white people and any institution determined to had benefited in any way from the American slavery system.
There is definitely an inherited paranoia and obsession that everyone is out to destroy them… It's in many of their DNA through in-breeding, plus a cultural, political and religious indoctrination and a highly skewed, racist view of history…
Skim reading, again - ha ha. This is a crosspost, part of our series. The author is Val, and her name is at the top and bottom. Mark Taylor's contribution will be up next. Than Diana van Eyk on Thursday. Then me on Sunday. But be sure to check out Val's narcissism sequel.
Thank you, George. I appreciate your insights, your kind words, and your reposting more than I can say.
Herta Mulller has the context correct too
The comparison is disgusting and misleading with glaring omissions in history and facts and stunning in it’s ignorance or bigotry and one sided. To blame everything on the Jewish state as if they are behaving like Nazis is grotesque comparison and really a blood libel but stated in a way that again excites prejudice of evil Jewish Zionists —- including what is apparent israel actual existence ( shouldn’t be ) itself as the replies in suport also suggest
This is absolute ahistorical lies and garbage with so much stunning ignorance and omissions I suggest you read Gad Saad and what he says about factually about Jews under Islamic rule and how they were treated as dhimmis which is fact. As the well the pogroms that existed for indigenous Jews and Jews living in British mandate and prior before any founding declaration of the modern Jewish state of Israel in 1948.
Van D Philips article on suggesting explicitly that the Jewish state ( is behaving like Hitler did to Jews ) is treating the Palestinians the way Hitler due to the Jews is utterly stunning deceptive and deplorable again with stunning ignorance and demonstrable omissions - I suggest this again this is all part of anti Zionist narrative to de legitimise the existence Israel as a Jewish state - that shouldn’t even exist at all - which again would say it all
In respect to Oct 7 heinous attacks by Hamas where they stole raped and murdered whole families against a sovereign state - in what world should Israel just lie down and die and do nothing
This is absolute ahistorical lies and garbage with so much stunning ignorance and omissions I suggest you read Gad Saad and what he says about factually about Jews under Islamic rule and how they were treated as dhimmis which is fact. As the well the pogroms that existed for indigenous Jews and Jews living in British mandate and prior before any founding declaration of the modern Jewish state of Israel in 1948.
Van D Philips article on suggesting explicitly that the Jewish state ( is behaving like Hitler did to Jews ) is treating the Palestinians the way Hitler due to the Jews is utterly stunning deceptive and deplorable again with stunning ignorance and demonstrable omissions - I suggest this again this is all part of anti Zionist narrative to de legitimise the existence Israel as a Jewish state - that shouldn’t even exist at all - which again would say it all
In respect to Oct 7 heinous attacks by Hamas where they stole raped and murdered whole families against a sovereign state - in what world should Israel just lie down and die and do nothing
Consistent with right to reply and free speech This is such an inversion of the truth and is ahistorical as it lacks proper full context and the facts and complete nuance. It is demonstrably ia one sided narrative on the situation and history in context…. I’m appalled at the barbarity of Islamic terrorism and how some people on the radical left also try and label it fraudulently ‘ resistance ‘ too like some of the readers here including when they are challenged shut down discussion. They are hypocrites and coward and misleading…
No, you’re just brainwashed. Every religion has its crazies that try to take over everything; see American Christians and project 2025. The Quran literally tells Muslims to be good to other “people of the Book” which means Christians and Jews. Israel is “our only friend” in the area sure, but before Israel we had no enemies in the area. We treated the native Palestinians like they meant less than nothing and violently cleared them off land they’ve inhabited for thousands of years - exactly like the native Americans. It’s funny to me how your ilk always squawks about “the proper context and facts and nuance” while not actually mentioning any in your argument, then accuse others of “shutting down discussion” when you can’t find a retort about the context or facts or nuance. Ad hominem is always handy, huh?
Herta Muller has the context right too with causative truth and logic and facts
This is absolute ahistorical lies and garbage with so much stunning ignorance and omissions I suggest you read Gad Saad and what he says about factually about Jews under Islamic rule and how they were treated as dhimmis which is fact. As the well the pogroms that existed for indigenous Jews and Jews living in British mandate and prior before any founding declaration of the modern Jewish state of Israel in 1948.
Van D Philips article on suggesting explicitly that the Jewish state ( is behaving like Hitler did to Jews ) is treating the Palestinians the way Hitler due to the Jews is utterly stunning deceptive and deplorable again with stunning ignorance and demonstrable omissions - I suggest this again this is all part of anti Zionist narrative to de legitimise the existence Israel as a Jewish state - that shouldn’t even exist at all - which again would say it all
In respect to Oct 7 heinous attacks by Hamas where they stole raped and murdered whole families against a sovereign state - in what world should Israel just lie down and die and do nothing
Brainwashed how ?
So the Middle East was all peaceful and rosy before Israel was restored as a nation again or when Israel become modern Israel the Jewish nation state ?
I’m referring to the other radical left ideology posts that actually shut down discussion overall when facts are presented to them and they peddle anti Zionist falsehoods…. I never claimed nor i have provided or attempted to dissect and provide facts and context or full picture here ti anything or everything fully ( yet )
I may choose to when I have the time that is my choice..
saying I’m brainwashed is another problematic indicator I must say. How ??
Hi All. Thanks so much for all your thoughtful feedback and restacks. My computer is down and my phone is too old to manage the Substack app but I’ll be back in touch (and will implement the rest of your edits, Mike) as soon as I can.
Nothing goes together as well as a glass of wine and want-to-be-sticky keyboard keys.
Emotional healing is a radical act. I wonder if it can heal colonialism and those who feel the need to impose it. Thanks for posting, Val.
Thanks for your kind words, Diana.
I think it can, but the problem, as I'll discuss in a later post, is that the healee has to want to be healed and has to be willing to do the work. Others can support them, but we can't make them do it. And, in additional to historical trauma, there's a host of other co-occurring issues--psychological, social, and political--intersecting here which also have to be addressed.
it never ceases to amaze the barbarity of what Israel has enacted. Val’s piece is outstanding. It articulates the insanity and inhumanity of a dick society. The world needs to do more and Val’s voice is a brilliantly loud voice doing her part.
British concentration camps traumatised Afrikaners who later gave us Apartheid.
It's not your job to educate me but I want to know more about this. Can't be a coincidence both Israel and Apartheid started in 1948.
Tony Greenstein's "Zionism During the Holocaust" is eye-opening. Clue: saving Jewish lives was not a priority for the Zionists.
Yes, I've started reading that. Encourage everyone to do so.
Many Zionists were not just Nazis, they also collaborated with them!
He walks the talk.
"Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things." ~Terry Pratchett
This. I would just add "and other beings."
Great quote.
<< They [i.e., the German Nazis and the Palestinians] couldn’t be more different. >>
This is absolutely correct and segues perfectly to the corollary: << Zionism cannot be explained away or justified by the Holocaust or any of European anti-Semitism’s murderous rampages against Jews, because...“the settler colonial system here was created before the Holocaust.” >>
I think the author is also quite correct in use of "psychopathology." I shall leave it to better qualified individuals to articulate the precise nature of the (collective) disease.
The horrors of World War Two cannot justify the actions of Netanyahu's government. Indeed, nothing -- not even 7 October -- can.
Think two thousand years of Jewish hatred on the part of Christianity for”Christ killing” ! Think of the pograms,ghettos, exclusions from “social society “ no country, no place, no rights, no protection! And the last major genecide of Jews in the thirties and forties-the Americans stood by and did nothing! Kennen knew what was going on as ambassador to Germany and said nothing and did nothing, allowing the US to turn away a ship load of Jewish children saved from the gas chambers to sail the world looking for a safe harbor! As recently as the 60’s & 70’s Jews were barred from rich country clubs and similar elite watering holes - two millennia can have a huge impact, not
only on the psyche but the entire human organism. The same goes for the haters - they lose access to their natural capacity towards wisdom and compassion. We are all one and the same to blame. No scapegoating!
Thanks for reminding folks, Gail.
Thanks for the informative post, Val!
Thank you, Leon. Your positivity and support are always much appreciated.
Thank you George for sharing, and Val for the original post. Such an excellent thorough analysis. Sadly, if victims don't reflect and process trauma they can project and perpetrate harm against scapegoats. And of course as Val shows it existed before the holocaust. There are Christian settler zionists and others who have the privilege of homes in the US and/or Europe, and who dehumanise Palestinians to justify land theft and other violence.
Christian Zionism is one of the nuttiest religions.
Far worse than nuttiest! DANGEROUS!!!
I have long thought that the psychological studies which must be done about Zionist Israel offer opportunities for great insight into the human mind and condition.
You make some excellent points. I would just add that when stories of trauma, real and imagined, are cooked for centuries in a pot of religion, they gain greater power and there is no doubt the Zionists milked that paranoid fear cow to fund and promote the colonisation of Palestine.
The problem with Israel is that it was founded in paranoia, fear, rage (often unexpressed), hatred (of non-Jews in general and Palestinians in particular) and ego. Behind fear there is always rage. Judaism like many religions is founded in ego-driven delusions and often, paranoid persecution phobias.
Some ingredients in the Zionist Israeli pot were a belief that Jews will always be persecuted; that Jews can never be safe unless they have total control over their own State; that non-Jews will always hate them and want to kill them; that non-Jews must live in such terror of Jews that they will never challenge them and that violence and dominance are the only solutions to any fear, challenge or issue. Patently none of that is true and the most dangerous place a Jew can live is in Israel.
In such a stewpot there can be no healthy processing of trauma and no stable psychological ground. It would be no different if we put a heap of soldiers suffering PTSD in the same place, gave them a state and allowed them to lock themselves into their own mindset. That was and is the tragedy of Israel and why the State was always going to become increasingly mentally ill to the point of being psychotic.
When I was teaching Palestinian history in Palestine (in English, to children of refugees who hadn't grown up reading and writing in Arabic), I learned during my research that since at least the 40s, it was the stated intention of the Israeli government to keep the people vigilant/paranoid out of a belief that if they were, something like the Holocaust could never happen again. If I can find the link I'll post it.
Yes, I have read along those lines in Zionist history. The Zionists, mostly atheists, despised European Jews for allowing themselves to be caught up in the Nazi campaign to get rid of them along with Slavs, Gypsies and others. One gets a sense the Zionist founders had huge egos. And in the times no doubt, as Europeans most of them also despised Slavs and Gypsies and were enraged that Jews should be in the same category.
There is also information that the Zionists worked with the Nazis to get Jews out of Germany and into Palestine as colonists. That is until they realised Jews were dying. There are statements to the effect that there was more value in them dead, than alive because of the promotional value of dead Jews for the Palestine colonial project.
The Zionists however needed Jewish money and support for their plans and that is why it had to be Palestine and it had to be a State called Israel. During WWII they also realised that keeping Jews/Israelis terrified of another holocaust experience, would boost their numbers. That policy has been in place ever since and underpins their military strategies. They must keep Israelis terrified that others want to kill them all, and they must encourage anti-semitism if not create it to terrify Jews into moving to Israel, and they must teach the Palestinians and anyone who might support them that they will bring annihilation down upon themselves if they dare to challenge Israel. This is Dayan's Doctrine.
No response to any challenge can be too much under this Doctrine. Respond with such savagery that those challenging you will comply. And never dare to challenge you again.
This included Jews who opposed Zionism. And there were many.
Such a doctrine completely ignores human nature, but, the Achilles Heel for the Zionist Israelis is that they do not consider others, non-Jews, to be human. They believe they are superior humans, never wrong, smarter than everyone else, and stronger than anyone else. It is indeed the Grand Delusion of Zionist Israel.
Interestingly, the Zionists had no problem talking about Palestine, nor referring to themselves as colonists even though today, many Israelis and supporters deny Palestine ever existed or that they were and are colonists.
This statement reflects the thinking:
At a Zionist Labor Party conference in 1938, Ben Gurion laid out his formula for who should be saved after Britain’s offer to rescue thousands of Jewish children from Europe:
“If I knew it was possible to save all the children in Germany by taking them to England, and only half of the children by taking them to Eretz Israel, I would choose the second solution. For we must take into account not only the lives of these children but the historic interest of the people of Israel.”
One of the key Zionists, Theador Herzl, had serious mental health conditions, plus delusions of grandour and supremacy. Then , later, there was the genocidal Stern and his brutal terroridt gsng
Interesting, Aaron. I was not aware of that fact about Herzl. Thanks for sharing.
I have been a lot of research for my two new books, Val.
Sorry for the typo - been exhausted for days!
I presume you have read Ron Unz's material. He has a lot of solid history.
So much fatigue = typos
Yes the history of Zionism makes it very clear the original members were ego-driven fascists with a racist colonial attitude.
Looks like they inherited the genocidal racism through their Nazi inbreeding!!!
Or the Nazis picked up the Zionist handbook written nearly half a century earlier.
What is also overlooked is that Israel is a military state where most adult citizens serve in the military or remain reservists.
It does not have a real standing army which only fights. People can either work and keep the economy afloat or fight and keep the occupation in place. They cannot do both.
I also suspect 5000 have been killed and the official figure of around 10,000 injured/permanently maimed many of them, is closer to 15-20,000. Such figures are always lied about.
So, not only are soldiers not working, neither are wounded soldiers working and the State must carry the cost of hospital, rehabilitation and support.
I suspect this latest phase of the ongoing colonial war has really hit Israel hard and yet all they can do is lie about it to themselves and others.
As Retired Israeli Major-General, Yitzhak Brik said recently, if the war does not end Israel is likely to collapse in a year.
2 years for young women and 3 years for young men
Yes and most remain reservists.
Put a heap of soldiers suffering from PTSD in the same place and give them a state and more weaponry than any country on earth but one. The US is the enabler of this psychosis.
And it gets worse. The latest on the exploding pagers.
Israel carried out its pager and radio attacks. Many initially thought the pagers’ batteries exploded, but this is nonsense. They planted explosives inside and activated them likely with a phone call. The reason we know this is one of the videos of them exploding, one can hear various beeping sounds or ringing mere seconds before the explosion.
Secondly, there was a preponderance of eye injuries, which appears to imply the pagers rang or beeped, causing the victims to bring them up toward their face to inspect the number or message, after which the explosion hit them directly in the eyes:
As such, it seems the classic phone activation you see so often in movies.
By the way, listen to China’s UN rep Fu Cong’s blistering condemnation of Israel, which uses very uncharacteristically strong language:
Now it’s clear that Israel is desperate to provoke Hezbollah in attacking it first, so that it can have the casus belli and global consensus in waging another genocide to cover for the first one in a sort of genocide-Ponzi scheme.
Precisely. And brainwash them from birth that everyone wants to kill them and they have to be more savage than anyone else to dominate and control their world and you get Zionist Israel and psychotic revenge-driven rage.
To be fair, it is not just the US which is the enabler although the US is the only one with the power to stop it in an instant - no weapons and no money - but everyone who has supported the neurotic Israeli state, whether individuals or States. Jews must also take a lot of responsibility because they have allowed the atrocities to be committed in the name of their religion.
You know: the Jews will never be safe till they have their own country canard is the same logic that allowed the Pope to control a vast swathe of Italy and retard unification for a century or two. The thought back then was: the Pope is a monarch just like the rest of the heads of state, he must have his own chunk of territory to rule. And that was a brilliant success, wasn’t it?
Well… okay, I stand corrected.
It made dresses fashion, and Dan Brown a bestselling author.
That kid in the photo looks tough, the soldier terrified - only reason for that situation, hey?
He should be terrified. Then again, we all should. Arabs are incredibly compassionate people, but everything has limits. Apres ca, la deluge.
Well, maybe you don't have to be afraid, Mike. Your state stood on the right side of history.
My State is being geopolitical rather than moral. My State is extremely corrupt, and I fear it. But I can be practical and praise the ICJ case which has caring and passionate people on its team.
Palestinians are the toughest people on earth. Heroes who shouldn't have to be.
Palestinians, Yemenese, Lebanese, Sudanese....
Good title. I had to re-read it twice to make sure you weren't a Zionist!
Ha. I get that. Apologies for confusion. One of the worst things about this, for those of witnessing and not in the line of fire, is how it challenges us to remain compassionate and treat all as human even our brothers acting like monsters. I am trying not to become what I despise. It's hard sometimes.
I totally disagree regarding compassion for genocidal mass child and women-murdering monsters!!!
Well, I'm a Quaker. We try to see that of God or Light or Gaia or Allah, etc. in everyone, recognizing that if there is that "of God" there is also that "not of God." For me it's important to keep reminding myself that these are human beings committing these crimes. They must be stopped from committing genocide and held accountable for their monstrous behavior. But at the end of the day, whatever their psychopathology, they're still human beings who came into this world as innocent infants.
So much respect for this, Val! I’m Catholic, and my faith teaches me that we are all brothers and sisters; all equally beloved children of God. But, faced with the utter evil of this genocide, I’ve struggled to remember this. I have wished harm on Israel, which is a sin—we should wish harm on no one. But I do think we have every right to be angry. What do we do with the anger, though? How do we use it constructively? That’s a real challenge for me.
I meant: I’ve wished harm on Israelis. There is no sin in wishing harm on Israel! It’s my hope and prayer that the supremacist, expansionist, relentlessly violent state will cease to exist.
Israel -- and US support for the genocide -- is an ongoing trauma for the globe. The silence among Americans is a crime. We have only begun to deal with the consequences.
This is an absolute sea-change in "business as usual." The Empire doesn't begin to grasp that simple fact.
Good point. Us earthlings are traumatised by our banks, their governments, their wars, and their TV.
While I appreciate your insight I have to respectfully disagree with the notion that Zionists’ actions towards & description of Palestinians such as their repeated insistence to refer to them as Nazis is the result of historical trauma. This is simply a direct result of constant indoctrination from childhood onward using the Holocaust as the point of reference, ultimately it’s the pinnacle of their victimhood.
That was his main point. The Nazi Holocaust.
sure but my point was that their abuse & mistreatment of Palestinians has nothing to do with any supposed historical trauma. Zionists have simply exploited well used the holocaust as collateral to protect themselves from any attempt to account for their own crimes and atrocities against their Arab neighbors-humanity by extension. To claim that it’s their historical trauma is as absurd as insisting that American descents of slavery or ADOS have every right to kill & “take back” from so called white people and any institution determined to had benefited in any way from the American slavery system.
There is definitely an inherited paranoia and obsession that everyone is out to destroy them… It's in many of their DNA through in-breeding, plus a cultural, political and religious indoctrination and a highly skewed, racist view of history…
I'll be looking forward to your post on collective narssism, Mike.
Maybe we will one advance to a peaceful way of ending this mess.
But I don't see it.
Coming soon to an inbox near you, Darkstar. The piece on narcissism, that is. Peace may take longer.
Skim reading, again - ha ha. This is a crosspost, part of our series. The author is Val, and her name is at the top and bottom. Mark Taylor's contribution will be up next. Than Diana van Eyk on Thursday. Then me on Sunday. But be sure to check out Val's narcissism sequel.
Your faith is inspiring. And will hopefully soon be rewarded.