"We can look to the best intended revolutions elsewhere in the world and see that, where a new society had not already been established and taken root by the time the old one was shown the door, the way was left open for whoever had enough drive and chutzpah to come in and make their own personal mess of the revolution."

What if we all started living our best lives together? Helping each other out, buying ethically, taking action where and when we can, all with live in our hearts?

I keep thinking this is such an important part of the solution, in whatever way we interpret this.

Thanks for posting this important piece, Val.

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Agreed, Diana. Thanks so much for reading, and for your kind feedback.`

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Exactly Val, all of it.

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What a beautiful, heartfelt and true essay Val 🌷💔🌷 And the grief wells up with the love. Thank you. Yes, the hell some people have created for themselves takes care of itself and always reaps its own reward. It has nothing to do with us. And you can never go wrong invoking the Beatles, with a bit of Bob Dylan and then Joe Hill thrown in. I'm attaching a video with images of "I dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night" being performed by the great Paul Robeson. It's a wonderful place to start this next hard task of love and brings in a bit of the true message of the Jesus you and I love.

In the name of Allah for our beloved Gazans/Palestinians 🇵🇸:


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Joe Hill!! We are cut from the same cloth! Thank you for your supportive feedback and tender care, Liana. I don't know how to put emojis in here, but consider this a big heart!

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